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These swords are also very fond of hunters and warriors sometimes take wow gold. Color set - blue, level - 58 set bonus - a good increase in attack power. Mechik knocks the boss by the name of the Warchief Rend Blackhand, which should be sought in an instance Upper Blackrock Spire (limit of raid - 10 people). Embrace of the Viper Set. The simplest example of green set for wow gold kids 19 -23 level. Ideal for druids, though it can be useful to any class that knows how to wear leather armor. It consists of five items. Armor, pants, gloves, boots and belt. Bonuses are added each donning the next thing (for any two items worn sets - increasing damage from natural spell, for three things - the increase in gun ownership, four - increasing effect of healing spells, five - a good increase in IQ). Things can get this set of monsters and bosses instance Wailing Caverns (It takes wow gold a group of five people). All things are set, except for gloves are classified bop. And now a few words about the written and unwritten rules of partition of things. Playing in the game, remember. If you are one to two times by accident (or accidentally) mistaken, taking the thing that your class is absolutely useless, but it might come in handy one of your party members, then the wow gold next time you are likely to have with them is simply not take. And well, if you accidentally pick up a thing belongs to the category boe and can be given with apologies to whomever needed it.
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